Elche (Elx)
Elche is located about 20 kilometers from Alicante, in the province of Alicante. With over 230,000 inhabitants, it is the third city in the Valencia region. A walk through the center of Elche takes you past the Arabian history of the city and many Baroque architecture. The current basilica of the city, for example, was built on the site of a large mosque. View this Basilica of Santa María, visit the pleasant square La Glorieta Plaza and walk through the beautiful parks of the city.
Elche is een hele goede stad om te winkelen. Vooral liefhebbers van een mooi paar schoenen kunnen hier hun hart ophalen. Elche is namelijk naast de stad van de palmbomen ook een echte schoenenstad. Van alle Spaanse schoenen wordt zo`n 50 procent in Elche geproduceerd! Breng ook een bezoekje aan de Salvador Artesano schoenenoutlet, deze outlet is de grootste van Europa en verkoopt vele bekende schoenenmerken. Naast de winkels in de binnenstad vind je aan de rand van Elche het grote winkelcentrum L’Aljub. Hier vind je naast vele winkels ook een zeer grote supermarkt. Het winkelcentrum is op maandag t/m zaterdag van 10:00 tot 22:00 geopend.
Het Argeologisch en Historisch Museum
Het mooie museum Museo Arqueológico y de Historia de Elche (MAHE) is een aanrader voor diegene die wat meer wil leren over de stad en haar omgeving. Het museum bestaat uit twee architectonisch zeer verschillende delen. Het eerste en moderne gedeelte van het museum ligt onder het plein en bevat museumstukken uit de oudheid. In het tweede gedeelte van het MAHE, dat is gelegen in een gerestaureerd historisch paleis, vind je de moderne geschiedenis van Elche. De stukken worden ondersteund door vele audio- en visuele beelden die veel interactiviteit met de bezoekers creëren.
Maandag t/m zaterdag van 10:00 t/m 18:00
Zon- en feestdagen van 10:00 t/m 15:00
Volwassenen: € 3,-
Studenten en groepen: € 1,-
65-plussers: € 1,50
Gratis entree voor kinderen onder 6 jaar en gehandicapten. Op zondag is de toegang tot het museum voor iedereen gratis.
Diagonal del Palau 7
03202 Elche
Elche (Elx)
About 20 kilometers from Alicante, lies the town of Elche in the province of Alicante. With over 230,000 inhabitants it is the third largest city in the Valencia region. A stroll through the town of Elche passes the Arab history of the city and many Baroque architecture. Thus, the current basilica of the city built on the site where once stood a large mosque. See this basilica of Santa María, pay a visit to the lively square of La Glorieta Plaza and stroll through the beautiful parks of the city.
Elche is a very good city for shopping. Especially those who love a nice pair of shoes can enjoy their stay here. Elche is in fact next to the city of palm trees also a real city shoes. Of all the Spanish shoe is `s 50 percent produced in Elche! Make a visit to the Salvador Artesano shoes outlet, this outlet is the largest in Europe and markets many well-known footwear brands. Besides the shops in the downtown area you can find a large shopping L'Aljub on the outskirts of Elche. Here you will find next to many stores also a very large supermarket. The mall is open Monday / Saturday open from 10:00 to 22:00.
The Argeologisch and Historical Museum
The beautiful museum Museo Arqueológico y Historia de Elche (MAHE) is highly recommended for those who wants to learn more about the city and its surroundings. The museum consists of two architecturally different parts. The first and most modern part of the museum is under the square and contains exhibits from ancient times. In the second part of the MAHE, which is located in a restored historical palace, you can find the modern history of Elche. The pieces are supported by many audio and visual images that create a lot of interactivity with visitors.
Opening hours
Monday / Saturday from 10:00 t / m 18:00
Sundays and holidays from 10:00 t / m 15:00
Adults: € 3, -
Students and groups: € 1, -
Over 65: € 1.50
Free admission for children under 6 and disabled. On Sundays, admission to the museum free for everyone.
Diagonal del Palau 7
03202 Elche

Basiliek van Santa María
One of the most special places in Elche is the Palmeral de Elche. With over 200,000 palm trees, this is one of the largest palm tree gardens in the world. In addition to palm trees, you will also find other Mediterranean trees here, such as the orange tree and the fig tree. Palmeral de Elche was built by the founders of the city (the Moors) and therefore very old. Since 2000, the palm tree garden has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
In the palm tree garden you will find one very special palm tree, the Palmera Imperial (Imperial Palm Tree). This palm tree is the only one in the world with seven trunks and looks like a candlestick in appearance. According to history, Princess Sissi fell in love with Elche in 1894 thanks to this palm tree. In addition to this imperial palm tree, there are more palm trees with names, mostly these tribute palm trees are named after local and national heroes.
In addition to wonderful walks among the palm trees, there are many pigeons and ducks to feed in the park, there is a music tent where concerts take place, a restaurant and a visitor center. The visitor center is called el Huevo (the Egg) and can therefore be recognized by its round, white shape.
Opening hours
Open daily from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm (open in the summer months until midnight). Admission is free.
One of the most special places in Elche is the Palmeral de Elche. This is more than 200,000 palm trees, one of the biggest palm gardens of the world. Besides palm trees you will also find other Mediterranean trees like the orange tree and the fig tree. Palmeral de Elche was built by the founders of the city (the Moors) and thus very old. Since 2000, the palm garden on the UNESCO list of World Heritage.
The palm garden you will find a very special palm tree, the Palmera Imperial (Imperial Palm). This palm tree is the only one in the world with seven trunks and similar in appearance to a candlestick. According to the history princess Sissi fell in 1894 in Elche thanks to this palm tree. Besides these imperial palm tree, there are more palm trees with names, mostly those from palm honor are named after local and national heroes.
Besides lovely walk among the palm trees, there are many in the park pigeons and ducks to feed, you will find a bandstand where concerts take place, a restaurant and a visitor center. The visitor center called El Huevo (Egg), and is also recognizable by its round, white shape.
Opening hours
Open daily from 7:00 t / m 21:00 (in summer open until 24:00). Admission is free.